A Sound of Desperation
Year A, Proper 27, RCL, Track 1 Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25, Psalm 78:1-7, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Matthew 25:1-13 The Episcopal Church...
A List Set out by Jesus
All Saints' Day, November 5/2017, Year A RCL Revelation 7:9-17, Psalm 34:1-10, 22, 1 John 3:1-3, Matthew 5:1-12 The Beatitudes can...
A Reformation or a Schism
Year A, Proper 25, Track 1 Deuteronomy 34:1-12, Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17, 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8, Matthew 22:34-46 Reformation Sunday is...
No one knows the Doctor’s name!
Proper 24, Track 1, Year A Exodus 33:12-23, 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10, Matthew 22:15-22 No one knows the Doctor’s name. There are things we...
Our Faith Requires
Sunday October 15 Year A, Proper 23, Track 1 Exodus 32:1-14 Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23 Philippians 4:1-9 Matthew 22:1-14 When Moses, the...
Who are We to Sit Idly by
Year A, Proper 22, Track 1 Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20, Philippians 3:4b-14, Matthew 21:33-46 Last week the some Jewish leaders questioned...
The truth hangs over them like a cloud
Proper 21, Year A, Track 1, Philippians 2:1-13, Matthew 21:23-32 The truth is hanging over these elders and chief priests like a cloud....
We Are Granted the Privilege to Suffer
Year A, Proper 20, Track 1 Exodus 16:2-15, Philippians 1:21-30, Matthew 20:1-16 According to Paul’s letter to the Philippians, A...
Who are you to pass judgment?
Proper 19, Year A If you're at all like me, you must have been very surprised when you first looked at Romans and realized there were...
Giving Your Life for Christ
Year A, Proper 17, RCL Track 1 Exodus 3:1-15, Romans 12:9-21, Matthew 16:21-28 Who today is willing to give up their life for Christ?...